
The Department welcomes new faculty member Zhenyu Ye

The department of physics welcomes new faculty member Assistant Professor Zhenyu Ye to the Department and to UIC. Professor Ye earned his PhD in experimental physics at DESY/University of Hamburg, Germany, and joins UIC bringing…

George Crabtree gives the LAS 2012 commencement address

LAS distinguished professor George Crabtree gave the LAS 2012 commencement address to 1,472 undergraduates, 113 graduate students and more than 6,000 family members and friends at the UIC pavilion on the morning of…

The United States NSF highlights work of UIC physicists

The United States National Science Foundation (NSF) highlights the work of Professor Nikos Varelas, the UIC high energy particle physics group, and others in a news item “The Quark’s the Thing” available on the SEE Innovation website.…

Serdar Ogut elected as an American Physical Society Fellow

Congratulations to Professor Serdar Ogut who was elected an American Physical Society Fellow. Dr. Ogut’s citation is “For his contributions to understanding and predicting properties of nanostructures and bulk defects, surfaces, and interfaces…

Robert Klie interviewed on NPR

Professor Robert Klie was interviewed on NPR and discussed the exciting new frontier that has been opened at UIC with the inauguration of the new scanning transmission electron microscope (STEM). In an interview…

Robert Klie hosts an inaugural ceremony for the new microscope

Professor Robert Klie, principle investigator and leader of the nanoscale physics group, hosted an inaugural ceremony on January 20, 2012 for a new $3M scanning transmission electron microscope that is the highest resolution in…

Robert Klie receives 2011-2012 Teaching Recognition Award

Congratulations to Professor Robert Klie who received a 2011-2012 Teaching Recognition Award. Robert Klie was selected by the Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning (CETL) to receive a 2011-2012 Teaching Recognition Award.…

UIC Physicists on the Higgs Hunt

UIC physicists and the continuing search for the elusive Higgs boson. A seminar given at the CERN Large Hadron Collider stated that the latest data recorded by the CMS and ATLAS detectors was…