It’s been a year full of recognition for Professor Juan-Carlos Campuzano. Soon after being chosen as a recipient of the honorary title of UIC Distinguished Professor for AY 2007-2008, Juan-Carlos was honored by…
We are proud to announce that graduate student and Dean’s Fellow Jerald Kavich will participate in an International Student Exchange Program between Argonne National Laboratory and Research Center Jülich, Germany. Details of the…
To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the BCS-theory by J. Bardeen, L. Cooper, and R. Schrieffer which provided the first microscopic explanation for the phenomenon of low-temperature superconductivity, Professor Dirk Morr is co-organizing a workshop…
Congratulations to Jerald Kavich, who has been awarded a Dean’s Scholar Fellowship from the Graduate College. The Physics Department welcomes Lincoln Fellowship winner Maria Castro, who will join the PhD program in Fall…
Professor Clive Halliwell was interviewed Feb 15 for Chicago Public Radio about ice falling from downtown high rises. Clive calculated the terminal velocity of the falling ice and shared useful safety tips with…
Professor Mark Adams and Professor David Hofman are the two Teaching Recognition Program Award recipients from the Physics Department for 2006. The award is given annually to UIC professors demonstrating outstanding performance in…
The Mathematical Physics Research Group of Professor Tom Imbo has recently received a substantial monetary gift from Dr. Mark Mueller of Grantham, Mayo, Van Otterloo and Company (GMO) in Boston. Dr. Mueller obtained…
Scientists of the DZero collaboration at the Department of Energy’s Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory announced in a seminar at Fermilab on December 8, 2006 the first evidence of single top quarks produced in…
A UIC News Release from December 4, 2006 discusses applications of the laser temperature-jump technique to study the dynamics of a protein-DNA complex first performed in Professor Anjum Ansari’s lab. The research findings by Anjum…
Professor Juan Carlos Campuzano was promoted to the position of Argonne Distinguished Fellow for his outstanding accomplishments in condensed matter physics. This position is equivalent to an endowed chaired position at a University…
The November 27, 2006 edition of the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) Times featured the UIC High Energy group. The article highlights our HE group’s CMS efforts and contains an interview with our graduate…
The Physics Department is in the process of cataloging M.S. Theses and Ph.D. Dissertations for all Physics Alumni. Please mail a copy to us on CD for our records to the attention of…
Wilson Barajas will join the Physics Department as a graduate student in January 2007 and he is a recipient of the NSF Bridge to the Doctorate Fellowship. Wilson is one of 13 recipients…
Prof. Cecilia Gerber was elected to the position of the American Physical Society Division of Particles and Fields Executive Committee member serving a three year term.
The High Energy Nuclear Physics group was recognized by invitations for three plenary talks at the Quark Matter 2006 meeting in Shanghai in November. The Quark Matter conference series deals with the search…
On 11-11-06, Professor Dirk Morr will present a public lecture entitled “Mysteries of the Quantum World” at the Museum of Science and Industry. If you are interested in attending the lecture (see abstract), please contact…
Zahid Ali, the electronics engineer in the Physics Department, has been selected as a recipient of the 2006-2007 UIC Award of Merit, a campus-wide honor which recognizes academic professional and support staff employees…
Professor Olga Barannikova is a winner of the 06/07 AY Women in Science and Engineering Research (WISER) Fund award. This award will support Olga’s research in High Energy Nuclear Physics which focuses on…