
Researchers used a diamond anvil cell to subject sulfur to over 1 million atmospheres of pressure in order to analyze its superconductive properties. (Graphic/Image: Kui Wang)

Elemental superconductor reveals new physics under pressure

Superconductivity, in which electrons flow with zero resistance, has long defied simple explanation. In 1997, a team led by UIC scientist Russell Hemley showed that under pressure, sulfur becomes an elemental superconductor, making it an ideal…

profile picture of Mark Schlossman

Mark Schlossman Named University Scholar

Professor Mark Schlossman has been named a 2024-2025 University Scholar. The program provides a three-year award to faculty members who have demonstrated superior performance in scholarly activities in both research and teaching and…

profile picture of Adam Denchfield

How one UIC student is proposing to advance science of superconductivity

New materials designed by a University of Illinois Chicago graduate student may help scientists meet one of today’s biggest challenges: building superconductors that operate at normal temperatures and pressures. Superconductors are used widely…

Robert Klie

Robert Klie is named UIC Distinguished Researcher of the Year

As an undergraduate, Robert Klie wanted to be an astrophysicist, studying cosmic objects with the world’s most powerful telescopes. But he soon became fascinated with the galaxies closer to home: the atomic particles that make…

Rick Frueh

Rick Frueh receives Award of Merit

Rick Frueh, Instrument Maker in the LAS Physical Sciences Machine Shop has been selected for the 2023 Award of Merit.  The Award of Merit is designed to recognize outstanding Civil Service and Academic…

graduate student presenting her research

2nd Annual Biophysics Student Symposium

On April 28th, 2023, UIC hosted the 2nd Annual Biophysics Student Symposium. The event was organized by a group of graduate students from the departments of Physics, Chemistry, and Biomedical Engineering, and aimed…

Adrian Barkan

Prof. Adrian Barkan receives 2023 Silver Circle Award

Every year since 1996, UIC’s graduating seniors honor outstanding educators with the Silver Circle Award. This year, Prof. Adrian Barkan was chosen as one of the winners of the award. Learn more about…

photograph of Rober Klie in front of a generic background

New Head of Physics: Professor Robert Klie

On January 30, 2023, Professor Robert Klie was announced as the new Head in the Department of Physics.  In an email to the Department of Physics faculty, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences…