The work of professor Anjum Ansari (seated to the left), assistant professor Jung-Hyun Min (Department of Chemistry), and collaborators was featured in the HEADLINES section of the NSF Science 360 News page.Their work,…
Professor Robert Klie was selected as one of UIC’s 2015 Researcher of the Year award winners. The citation from the UIC Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research reads: “Dr. Klie’s group focuses…
Congratulations to Lecturer Adrian Barkan, who has been selected to receive a 2014-2015 CETL Teaching Recognition Award. The Council for Excellence in Teaching and Learning was particularly “impressed with the range of your [Dr.…
Professor Cecilia Gerber was selected as a 2015 CMS LPC Distinguished Researcher. Professor Gerber ?is a manager for the CMS Forward Pixel Assembly and Testing project and is also working on finalizing a…
Professor Serdar Ogut has been elected as a member of the Bilim Akademisi – the Turkish Science Academy. The Science Academy endorses the time-honored traditions of integrity, independence and social engagement and strives…
Congratulations to Professor Wai-Yee Keung, who was elected as an American Physical Society Fellow! Professor Keung’s citation reads: “For his influential contributions to elementary particle theory, including CP violation and electric dipole moments,…
Professor Henrik Aratyn was one of five UIC faculty members who were selected as Fulbright scholars for 2014-2015. Using a Fulbright flex grant, Professor Aratyn plans to travel to Brazil to study non-linear…
LAS distinguished professor Siva Sivananthan was recognized by The Sri Lanka Foundation with a Lifetime Achievement Award on November 16, 2014. His Excellency Prasad Kariyawasam, Ambassador of Sri Lanka to the United States…
Professor Serdar Ogut has been selected as a University Scholar for 2014. The University Scholars Program was created to honor and reward outstanding teachers and scholars. The citation noted that “Professor Ogut’s pioneering…
Professor Zhenyu Ye and the experimental high energy nuclear physics group hosted a workshop at UIC dedicated to upgrades of the STAR detector that runs at the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at Brookhaven…
Graduate students Inga Bucinskaite and Jingyu Zhang were highlighted in Fermilab Today (9/19/14) for their work developing the stage 1 upgrade algorithms for the CMS level 1 calorimeter trigger. The algorithms will significantly…
Professor Olga Evdokimov has successfully led a bid to bring the most important conference of her field of high energy nuclear physics to Chicago in 2017. Professor Evdokimov will also co-chair this important…
The department of physics welcomes new faculty member Assistant Professor Hyowon Park to the Department and to UIC. Professor Park earned his PhD in computational condensed matter and materials physics at Rudgers and…
Inga Bucinskaite was highlighted in Fermilab Today (7/25/14) together with 10 other US graduate students for their role in a new publication in Nature on Higgs decays to tau pairs and b quarks.…
The publication Scientific American quotes Professor Rick Cavanaugh about ongoing experiments to characterize the Higgs boson, commenting on the excitement over the particle’s discovery and what it may mean for the future of…
Professor David Hofman joined other faculty from UIC, Urbana-Champaign, Northwestern and University of Chicago to discuss their research at Bar Louie. Professor Hofman talked about the “State of the Universe, Less Than a…
Physics postdoctoral fellow Dr. Yadav Pandit led an analysis published in Physical Review Letters 112, 162301 (2014) that ?found evidence consistent with a first-order phase transition from hadronic matter to the quark gluon…
On April 2, 2014, Professor Dirk Morr gave a Chicago Council on Science and Technology (C2ST) talk at UIC comparing the “futuristic” technology featured on the TV series Star Trek to what real…
Professor Dirk Morr was featured in an interview on the Chicago Tonight program talking about the real physics behind star trek and how science fiction can become science fact. You can view his…
Professor Nikos Varelas has been named a LAS Distinguished Professor in the 2014-2015 academic year. The award “recognizes exceptional faculty for their contributions to the LAS and UIC communities, as well as for…