Particle Physics
Overview Heading link
Research Areas
Collider physics at Fermilab D0 and CERN CMS
New particle searches
Tests of Standard Model
Trigger systems, fiber optics and silicon tracking detectors
Strings and integrable models
Super symmetric quantum mechanics
Research Areas, cont'd.
Strong interaction and standard model phenomenology
CP Violation
Parton Models
Algebraic and topological aspects of quantum field theory
Exotic Statistics
Go to High Energy Particle Physics
Additional Information Heading link
CERN - Geneva, Switzerland
The new frontier of high-energy physics is at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), operating at the CERN laboratory on the Swiss-French border. The LHC ring, located about 100 m underground and passing under the Swiss and French border, has already created collisions of protons at record-breaking energies. The UIC high energy experimental particle physics group has been working with the CERN laboratory since 1995 on the huge Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector, and were a part of the recent discovery of a possible Higgs boson.
Fermilab, the country’s premiere high energy laboratory, is only 30 miles from the UIC campus. Fermilab is also the center for CMS research in the U.S., home of the largest CMS Tier-1 Computing Center in the world, houses a Remote Operations Center for the CMS detector, and also is home to the LHC Physics Center. The UIC particle physics group has a long history of strong collaboration with Fermilab that includes the D0 collaboration and a recent joint faculty appointment.
Argonne National Laboratory
The UIC High Energy Theoretical (HET) physics group works actively with Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). A joint postdoctoral research position with ANL, funded by U.S. Department of Energy, has been established to pursue frontier research in particle physics. There have been fruitful collaborations between the group, the lab, and the local community in the past many years, resulting in deeper understanding of the fundamental structure of the sub-nuclear world. Students often participate in workshops and summer/winter schools of special topics organized in the greater Chicagoland. UIC’s convenient location provides the school plenty of visiting scholars who enlarge the research vision through seminars and discussions.