W. Andreas Schroeder, PhD
Building & Room:
2348 SES
845 West Taylor St.
Office Phone:
Professor Schroeder's research area is ultrafast laser spectroscopy - the dynamic resolution of the fundamental physical processes occurring in matter using sub-picosecond (<10^-12s) pulses of laser radiation. Professor Schroeder has received awards for both his teaching and his research: a National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER award in 1998 and the Provost's Award for Excellence in Teaching (AET) in 2005. For more information, click on the URL above for the Ultrafast Physics Group.
Selected Publications
- “High-power, femtosecond, thermal-lens-shaped Yb:KGW oscillator,” J.A. Berger, M.J. Greco, and W.A. Schroeder, Optics Express 16, pp. 8629-8640 (2008).
- “Combining Spatial and Temporal Resolution in the Dynamic TEM,” N.D. Browning et al., Microscopy and Microanalysis 13, pp.1154-1155 (2007).
- “A high-resolution, flat-field, plane-grating, f/10 spectrograph using off-axis parabolic mirrors,” S.L. Schieffer, N.W. Rimington, V.P. Nayyar, W.A. Schroeder, and J.W. Longworth, Applied Optics 46, pp. 3095-3101 (2007).
- “Low-threshold, dual-passive mode locking of a high-power, thermal-lens-shaped Nd:GdVO4 laser,” S.L. Schieffer, D. Brajkovic, A.I. Cornea, and W.A. Schroeder, Optics Express 14, pp. 6694-6704 (2006).
- “Thermal lens shaping in Brewster gain media: A high-power, diode-pumped Nd:GdVO4 laser,” N.W. Rimington, S.L. Schieffer, W.A. Schroeder, and B.K. Brickeen, Optics Express 12, pp. 1426-1436 (2004).
BS, Physics (1983), U. London- Imperial College
PhD, Physics (1987), U. London- Imperial College