Mark Schlossman, PhD
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Mark Schlossman’s research group investigates nanoscale effects at water and aqueous solution interfaces, with an emphasis on phenomena occurring at aqueous-organic liquid-liquid interfaces. These phenomena include molecular and particle self-assembly and directed assembly, molecular recognition and non-covalent binding, fluctuation effects, peripheral membrane protein-lipid interactions, ion distribution and transport at interfaces, electrostatic control of nanoscale features of water interfaces, and ion transport through liquid interfaces. Such phenomena underlie processes important to many scientific and industrial applications, including water purification and environmental remediation. These investigations have gone hand-in-hand with advances in X-ray scattering techniques to study liquid interfaces, including accompanying developments in experimental methodologies, data analysis, and connections with modern theory. He has led the development and operation of instrumentation at national synchrotron X-ray sources that enabled those investigations, including NSF’s ChemMatCARS at the Advanced Photon Source. Prior to joining UIC, Mark worked at the University of Chicago, was a post-doctoral with Peter Pershan at Harvard, and received his PhD with Carl Franck at Cornell in the study of soft matter physics. For more information, please visit http://schloss.people.uic.edu.
Selected Publications
- Antagonistic Role of Aqueous Complexation in the Solvent Extraction and Separation of Rare Earth Ions Pan Sun, Erik Binter, Zhu Liang, M. Alex Brown, Artem V. Gelis, Ilan Benjamin, Mrinal K. Bera, Binhua Lin, Wei Bu, and Mark L. Schlossman, ACS Central Science 7, 1908-1918 (2021)
- A Nanoscale View of Assisted Ion Transport across the Liquid-Liquid Interface, Liang, Z.; Bu, W.; Schweighofer, K. J.; Walwark Jr., D. J.; Harvey, J. S.; Hanlon, G. R.; Amoanu, D.; Erol, C.; Benjamin, I.; Schlossman, M. L. Nat. Acad. Sci. (USA) 116, 18227-18232 (2019)
- Interfacial Localization and Voltage-Tunable Arrays of Charged Nanoparticles, M. K. Bera, H. Chan, D. F. Moyano, H. Yu, S. Tatur, D. Amoanu, W. Bu, V. M. Rotello, M. Meron, P. Král, B. Lin, and M. L. Schlossman, Nano Letters 14, 6816-6822 (2014).
- Observation of a Rare Earth Ion-Extractant Complex Arrested at the Oil-Water Interface During Solvent Extraction, Wei Bu, Hao Yu, Guangming Luo, Mrinal K. Bera, Binyang Hou, Adam W. Schuman, Binhua Lin, Mati Meron, Ivan Kuzmenko, Mark R. Antonio, L. Soderholm, Mark L. Schlossman, Journal of Physical Chemistry B 118, 10662-10674 (2014)
- Liquid Surfaces and Interfaces: Synchrotron X-ray Methods, Peter S. Pershan and Mark L. Schlossman, Cambridge University Press (2012).
- Tuning Ion Correlations at an Electrified Soft Interface, Nouamane Laanait, Miroslav Mihaylov, Binyang Hou, Hao Yu, Petr Vanysek, Mati Meron, Binhua Lin, Ilan Benjamin, and Mark L. Schlossman, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (USA), 109, 20326-20331 (2012).
- Ion Distributions Near a Liquid-Liquid Interface, Guangming Luo, Sarka Malkova, Jaesung Yoon, David G. Schultz, Binhua Lin, Mati Meron, Ilan Benjamin, Petr Vanysek, and Mark L. Schlossman, Science 311, 216-218 (2006).
- X-ray Reflectivity Studies of cPLA2a-C2 Domains Adsorbed onto Langmuir Monolayers of SOPC, Sarka Malkova, Fei Long, Robert V. Stahelin, Sai V., Diana Murray, Wonhwa Cho, and Mark L. Schlossman, Biophysical Journal 89, 1861-1873 (2005)
- Coupled Capillary Wave Fluctuations in Thin Aqueous Films on an Aqueous Subphase, Ming Li, Aleksey M. Tikhonov, David J. Chaiko, and Mark L. Schlossman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 86, 5934-5937 (2001)
- Non-Capillary-Wave Structure at the Water-Alkane Interface, Dragoslav M. Mitrinovic, Aleksey M. Tikhonov, Ming Li, Zhengqing Huang, and Mark L. Schlossman, Phys. Rev. Lett., 85, 582-585 (2000)
BS, Physics (1980), MIT
MS, Physics (1983), Cornell University
PhD, Physics (1987), Cornell University