Serdar Ogut, PhD
Building & Room:
2354 SES
845 West Taylor St.
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Dr. Ogut's research is focused on theoretical investigations of structural, electronic, and optical properties of materials from first principles. He uses ab initio pseudopotential total energy calculations and molecular dynamics simulations to study and predict composition/structure/property interrelationships in bulk semiconductors, intermetallic compounds, and nanostructured matter. In particular, Dr. Ogut's research is concentrated on electronic and structural properties of point and extended defects in electronic materials, and optical properties of elemental and compound semiconductor nanocrystals and clusters.
Selected Publications
- “Ab initio investigation of point defects in bulk Si and Ge using a cluster method”, Serdar Ogut and James R. Chelikowsky, Phys.Rev.B 64, 245206 (2001).
- “First-principles density-functional calculations for optical spectra of clusters and nanocrystals”, I. Vasiliev, Serdar Ogut, J. R. Chelikowsky, Phys.Rev.B 65, 115416 (2002).
BS, Physics (1988), Middle East Technical University
MS, Physics (1990), Middle East Technical University
PhD, Physics (1995), Yale University