Wai-Yee Keung, PhD
Professor Emeritus
Building & Room:
2252 SES
845 West Taylor St.
Office Phone:
Professor Keung's research interests have centered around questions which are related to current high energy physics phenomenology, such as the properties of the top quark, the origin of CP violation, the formation of quarkonium states and the precision measurement of electroweak parameters. Professor Keung in recent years, he has been invited to give lectures on Collider Physics at Fermilab in US, at KEK in Japan, and at NCTS in Taiwan.
Selected Publications
- Comments on the Parametrization of Kobayashi-Maskawa Matrix.
(L.-L. Chau and W.-Y. Keung)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 53,1802-1805 (1984), about 600 citations. - New 2-loop contribution to electric dipole moment in SUSY theories.
(D. Chang, W.-Y. Keung, and A. Pilaftsis)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 82 900 (1999), about 250 cit. - Collider Signals of Unparticle Physics.
(K. Cheung, W.-Y. Keung, and T.C. Yuan)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 051803 (2007), about 200 citations. - Landau-Yang Theorem and Decays of a Z’ Boson into Two Z Bosons.
(W.-Y. Keung, I. Low, and J. Shu)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 091802 (2008). - SUPERSYMMETRY AND DOUBLE WELL POTENTIALS
(W.-Y. Keung, E. Kovacs and U.P. Sukhatme)
Phys. Rev. Lett. 60, 41 (1988).
BSc., Physics (1973), The Chinese University of Hong Kong
MS, Physics (1978), University of Wisconsin-Madison
PhD, Physics (1980), University of Wisconsin-Madison