Huan-Xiang Zhou, PhD
Professor and LAS Distinguished Chair in the Natural Sciences
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3462 SES
845 West Taylor St.
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Professor Zhou joined UIC in 2017, after faculty appointments at Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Drexel University, and Florida State University. He has served on many grant review panels and journal editorial boards. His group combines theory, computation, and experiment to address a range of topics in molecular and cellular biophysics. Four main areas are: (1) thermodynamic and dynamic properties of phase-separated biomolecular condensates; (2) membrane association and binding kinetics of intrinsically disordered proteins; (3) structures and pathways of the self-assemblies of amyloid-β and other amyloidogenic proteins; and (4) functional mechanisms of glutamate-receptor ion channels. His research is supported by multiple grants from the National Institutes of Health.
Selected Publications
- Mazarakos, R. Prasad, and H.-X. Zhou (2022). SpiDec: Computing binodals and interfacial tension of biomolecular condensates from simulations of spinodal decomposition. Front. Mol. Biosci. 9, 1021939.
- Ghosh, D. Kota, and H.-X. Zhou (2021). Shear relaxation governs fusion dynamics of biomolecular condensates. Nat. Commun. 12, 5995.
- T Smrt, C. A. Escobar, S. Dey, T. A. Cross, and H.-X. Zhou (2023). An Arg/Ala-rich helix in the N-terminal region of M. tuberculosis FtsQ anchors FtsZ to membranes. Commun. Biol. 6, 311.
- Gao, C. Guo, J. O. Watzlawik, E. J. Lee, D. Huang, H.-X. Zhou, T. L. Rosenberry, and A. Paravastu (2020). Out-of-register parallel β-sheets and antiparallel β-sheets coexist in 150 kDa oligomers formed by Amyloid-β(1-42). J. Mol. Bio. 432, 4388-4407.
- Amin, M. He, R. Prasad, X. Leng, H.-X. Zhou, and L.P. Wollmuth (2023). Two gates mediate NMDA receptor activity and are under subunit-specific regulation. Nat. Commun. 14, 1623.
PhD (1988), Drexel University