Mark Schlossman Named University Scholar

Professor Mark Schlossman has been named a 2024-2025 University Scholar. The program provides a three-year award to faculty members who have demonstrated superior performance in scholarly activities in both research and teaching and who show great promise for future achievements. Faculty excellence is the cornerstone of any university of high quality. There is no more important task at the University of Illinois than attracting and retaining the very best teachers and scholars. The University Scholars program is designed to identify outstanding members of the faculty and to provide each with a modest amount of funds annually for a defined number of years. The importance of these awards lies in the flexibility with which the funds may be spent. Recipients may use the funds at their discretion to enhance their scholarly work, except for salary rate increases, which are not permitted. The awards are not made for a specific project or proposal; rather, they are a symbol of the recipient’s excellence and the University’s commitment to foster outstanding people and their work. Therefore, the awards are made through nominations, not by application.

Since joining UIC in 1994, Mark Schlossman has investigated molecular scale effects at aqueous solution interfaces, with an emphasis on phenomena occurring at liquid-liquid interfaces. He has led the development and operation of X-ray instrumentation that enabled those investigations at NSF’s ChemMatCARS at the Advanced Photon Source.