Seminar- “A causal and stable theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics” with Dr. Mauricio Hippert Teixeira
Physics Seminar
November 8, 2023
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM
SES 2214
Download iCal FileSpeaker: Dr. Mauricio Hippert Teixeira, UIUC
Title: A causal and stable theory of fluctuating hydrodynamics
Abstract: The inclusion of fluctuations in relativistic hydrodynamics is crucial for the search of the QCD phase transition in high-energy heavy-ion collisions, as well as for understanding hydrodynamic behavior in smaller nuclear collision systems. In this seminar, we present a recently developed theory of hydrodynamic fluctuations that is fully consistent with relativistic principles. We start by discussing how the information current carried by deviations from equilibrium connects the stability of equilibrium fluctuations and the causality of hydrodynamic equations. Stochastic hydrodynamic equations of motion are presented, along with an observer-independent statement of the fluctuation-dissipation relation. An action principle for fluctuating hydrodynamics is obtained from these equations. We show how the principle of detailed balance imposes a ℤ₂ symmetry on that action, from which the fluctuation-dissipation relation can be recovered. The connection between this new action principle and Schwinger-Keldysh effective field theory is discussed, along with the off-shell stability of BDNK (Bemfica-Disconzi-Noronha-Kovtun) hydrodynamics.
Date posted
Sep 21, 2023
Date updated
Oct 20, 2023