Machine Shop
Machine Shop Heading link

The LAS Physical Sciences Machine Shop is a state-of-the-art machine shop located at the ground floor of the SES building. Anyone is welcome to walk in and discuss their needs with the machine shop staff. The shop is staffed with world-class experts in instrument making and laboratory mechanics who can work from formal drawings to hand written sketches.
This shop directly supports the research endeavors of all LAS researchers, and is available to researchers across the entire UIC campus.
Machine shop hourly charges are extremely competitive and this facility represents a fantastic resource that enables cutting-edge research to progress.
• LAS Users: $20/hour
• Outside LAS Users, but within UIC: $50/hour
• Outside UIC Users: $80/hour
Important: For any questions, including arranging for a quote on a project, please contact Dave Kuntzelman, at the phone number or email address listed below.
Contact the Machine Shop Heading link
Dave Kuntzelman
View the Machine Shop Directory
Machine Shop Address and Phone Heading link
1240 SES
UIC Department of Physics
845 W. Taylor St.
Chicago, IL 60607
P: (312) 996-3083
F: (312) 413-5306